Friday, October 19, 2007

It Wasn't What It Appeared

To celebrate Joey's taking of the PSAT I took him to a local noodle shop. Where unfortunately he developed hiccups. He couldn't get rid of them. He tried holding his breath. I tried scaring him. Nothing...

We went to the supermarket to pick up a can of coconut milk and a bottle of rum. I had fresh pineapple in my frig and I didn't want it to go bad. My DH suggested PiƱa Coladas.

As we are leaving the store, the bag broke and all the items are strewn by Joey's feet. I asked him to go to the store and get me another bag. He refused saying he could carry the items home in his hand. So of course, mom has to go back in the store and get another bag.

Well, I returned to find my son sitting on the curb with a bottle of rum in his hand and hiccuping. Just imagine what he looked like to others passing by.


  1. Anonymous10:47 AM

    can u post a recipe of your pina coladas =P

  2. "Ya see officer - it was like this..."
    very funny

  3. Ha, ha, that is so funny!! those hiccups are a real bugger!

  4. LOL! If you REALLY want to scare someone show him a picture of Hillary. If I could, I would crawl right through the phone to join you for a pina colada. It's been one of "those weeks."

  5. MM: I actually tossed in a blender one small pineapple cubed with the center core and peelings removed; 1/2 can of coconut milk. You can add cream of coconut if you like your PC very sweet, a cup full of ice and whipped it up. Since Joey can't have liquor, I added the rum in our glasses, approx. an ounce or less.

    Chris: ha ha ha

    Tracy, :-) They really are. He eventually got our them.

    Karen, LOL! Sorry you are having one of those weeks. Hope your weekend is better. Having a PC with you would be a very nice idea.

  6. Anonymous12:46 PM

    What a cute story!

  7. Oh how funny! That made my day!
