Friday, October 26, 2007

In Preparation for the Month of November

which is traditionally dedicated to the Holy Souls in Purgatory.

At the Church where I attend daily Mass, there is a binder already available for us to note our deceased loved ones' names. At our home parish, we were asked to submit names of any loved ones who have passed away in the past year. On All Soul's Day, a Mass will be celebrated and we get to light candles for them.

My friend Mary Ann emailed me the link to the updated blog Friends of the Poor Souls The following excerpts are from the November/December Newsletter:

The Dogma of Purgatory is too much forgotten by the majority of the faithful. This truly deplorable forgetfulness was a great sorrow to St. Francis de Sales. This pious doctor of the Church said, "We do not sufficiently remember our dear departed; their memory seems to perish with the sound of the funeral bells." The principle causes of this are ignorance and lack of faith; our notions on the subject of Purgatory are too vague, our faith is too feeble...
Visit to a Cemetery

Visit to a Church or Oratory on All Souls Day [November 2]
Be sure to visit their blog for more details on helping the Poor Souls.

Keep mind, that Masses said during a person's life are MORE powerful than those said after they have passed away.

Another reminder, your venial sins are wiped away with each time you attend Holy Mass devoutly and reverently and receive Holy Communion.

Another Holy tip :-) You can offer your Holy Communion for someone else to benefit from it.


  1. Great post Esther!
    I told a friend who couldn't attend her mother's funeral that her mother is now in heaven and she insisted that I pray for her mother's soul. True! We should not be complacent, we should always pray for the dead and the poor souls in the purgatory.

  2. Thanks Easter. Well, it is nice to think of our loved ones in Heaven but there is a good chance they are in Purgatory, it is very important that we pray for the repose of their souls. I agree with you.
