Wednesday, September 26, 2007

A Sunday Reminder From the Catholic Warrior

How does one keep Sunday holy?


  1. I loathe grocery shopping so much so that I go shopping once a fortnight on a Friday..You wont catch me in there on a Sunday.

    Also I wonder what do the workers think about having to work on a Sunday? Maybe if people stayed away from the supermarkets on Sunday the managers would stop opening them on God's Holy Day?

    Just a thought....

    Peace to you:)


  2. I would definitely not say across the board that shopping on Sunday is a sin. However, my kids have had to work on Sundays. The quieter it is at a store on a Sunday, the less hassle it is for the employee and the sooner they can go home. So, yeah, we do have an impact. I myself worked for a store that was closed on Sunday. Many of my co-workers worked for that company purely so they wouldn't have to work on Sundays.

  3. Thanks Esther for posting this!

    God Bless!

  4. I try very hard to abide by this. My family likes to keep Sundays as "Mass and family time." Sometimes this spills over to include friends or extended family. But we rarely do errands or shopping. I can't say it's "never" but we avoid it as much as possible.

    Margaret Mary is right about making an impact on stores by timing our shopping differently.

    3 cheers for "Chick-Fil-A" that is NEVER open Sundays. I'm proud of the stand they take.

  5. We try and keep Sunday as God and family time. My oldest has to work some Sundays as he works in a home for the elderly, but now my husband works mon-Fri 9-5 we get weekends together (as a nurse he too worked shifts inc w/ends) I don't like to shop on a Sunday at all.

  6. We recently had a couple of changes in our household to make Sunday's a day to honour the Lord. It has bought so much good fruit. I usually do the family shop on Friday. I wish I could do it once a fortnight like Marie but I just don't have the storage space for it.

  7. Marie: Excellent point Marie. Sometimes, I weaken and shop on Sundays but I feel so terrible afterwards. I try going on Thursdays now.

    MM: No of course not.

    PB: Thank you!!

    Barb, I didn't know that about Chik-a-Fil. I think Bergen County still observes the Blue Laws in the US and here in HI it's a small town of Laie which is mostly all Mormon.

  8. That's good WS.

    Therese, I don't have the space either. I'm glad to hear about the good fruits.
