Saturday, September 29, 2007

Prayer of a Mother

Thanks to Sue

O Most Merciful Jesus, I consecrate my children to You. No one can understand better my cares and worries and no one is more effective in helping me than You.

Give me many graces to raise my children since I know well that no effort will be fruitful without Your assistance. Direct my actions and illuminate the instruction I give my children.

Keep them from sin; teach them to advance in goodness; keep them from bad companions; help them in their studies; make them amiable and merciful with the poor; those who suffer and all the unfortunate.

Keep them in sanctifying grace and give them good health, so that they may grow up for the honor and glory of God, the betterment of society, the consolation and support of their parents and for their own temporal and eternal joyfulness.

And when You, my judge, call me, grant that Your Most Sorrowful Mother take care of my children. From now on, I promise to serve You faithfully, to adore Your inexhaustible mercy, to spread this devotion and to place in it my unlimited trust. So be it.

Jesus I trust in You!