Saturday, September 22, 2007

The Importance of Thanksgiving After Holy Communion

JesusPicture source: AciPrensa

Shared by by Sue of Half the Kingdom via Chris Stoner.

by St Alphonsus Liguori

There is no prayer more pleasing to God, or more profitable to the soul, than thanksgiving after Holy Communion. It is the opinion of many learned authors that, as long as the Sacramental Species remain, the Holy Communion continues to produce an augmentation of grace, provided the soul disposes herself for it by new acts of virtue. Hence, holy souls endeavor to remain as long as possible in prayer after Holy Communion.

The Venerable M Avali spent two hours in prayer after Holy Communion even during her missions. Father Balthasar Alvarez used to say that we ought to set as much value on the time after Holy Communion as if we heard from the Lips of Jesus Christ Himself to His disciples : "But Me you have not always with you"

It is not good practice to begin, as some do, to read immediately after Communion; it is better to spend at least a little time in holy affections, in speaking from your heart with Jesus Christ, Who is within you and in repeating several times some tender affection or prayer.

After Communion, then, the soul should entertain herself with Jesus in affections and prayers. We should be persuaded that prayers after Holy Communion have greater value and merit before God than those that are offered at other times, for then the soul is united to Jesus Christ and her acts derive value from His Presence .

Moreover, we must consider that after receiving Holy Communion, Jesus is more disposed to bestow His graces. St Teresa says that at that time Jesus remains in the soul as on a throne of grace, saying to it: "What wilt thou that I should do to thee?" As if He said : "O Christian soul, I am come for the express purpose of giving thee My graces; ask what you wish and you shall obtain it".

O devout soul, what treasures of grace will you receive if you continue to entertain yourself with Jesus, as least for a quarter of an hour after Holy Communion! But even after thanksgiving, during the day of your Holy Communion, take care by prayers and affections, to keep united with Jesus Whom you have received.

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