Saturday, September 15, 2007

The Holy Mass

Jeff's post on the Ordinary vs. Extraordinary Mass struck a chord with me. But I don't have to write much on this because Jeff has spoken for folks like me:
There have been several of these films celebrating Summorum Pontificum by contrasting clown Masses and other such nonsense with the extraordinary form of the Mass.

While on one level I enjoy the humor of these films there is another level that bothers me. For one I think it is a problem to compare the ordinary and extraordinary forms of the Mass in the Latin rite by taking the worse example and excesses and then to compare them to the Masses celebrated properly in the older form. You don't see examples of the ordinary form being celebrated properly and reverentially as you would for example see on EWTN or in my own parish. There are "Novus Ordo" Masses being celebrated according the the rubrics and in a way that truly helps you to worship God...
With that said, I still want to share the following video with you. Thanks Jeff!

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