Tuesday, September 18, 2007

The Eight Habits of Highly Effective Bishops

I found the following at the Living His Life Abundantly website
What qualities best equip today’s bishop to fight the culture war? That’s the question I posed in a survey of Catholic authors and activists, priests and scholars. It brought a flurry of thoughtful responses. Correspondents were quick to note that each diocese—like each family—has its strengths and weaknesses. One may be strong on liturgy but lag on catechesis. Another operates in the black, its fiscal house in order, but lacks vocations. Renewal—fostering a Catholic renaissance—is a long-term process, and our own impatience shouldn’t ignore sure but gradual progress.

A review of the responses revealed eight basic good habits that were cited often by respondents. If we as lay people are to exhort our shepherds, we must have a clear idea what we’re exhorting them to do. This list offers a point of reference for that effort...
Click above link for the list of the eight habits.

BTW, I have a feeling I posted this one previously but I can't seem to find it.


  1. Wish ALL bishops could read this. I'd like to think ALL bishops fall under these habits.
    Unfortunately it's a little like "preaching to the choir."

  2. Micki, you are right but I think we are getting more and more good bishops.
