Sunday, September 02, 2007

Don't Be Seduced, Benedict XVI Tells Youth

Says World Needs Daring Christians-ARTICLE

LORETO, Italy, SEPT. 2, 2007 ( Benedict XVI invited half a million young people to go against the current in a world seduced by violence, despotism and "success at all costs."
Pontiff to Youth: See You in Sydney- ARTICLE
Entrusts Australia Meeting to Mary

LORETO, Italy, SEPT. 2, 2007 ( Benedict XVI twice reminded youth of his next appointment with them: World Youth Day 2008 in Sydney, Australia.
184,800 Registered for World Youth Day- ARTICLE
SYDNEY, Australia, SEPT. 2, 2007 ( Surpassing expectations, 184,800 pilgrims have already registered for World Youth Day.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:44 AM

    Did he forget to say it's OK to be seduced by God?
