Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Catholics and Divorce

Elena asks:
Is it just me, or are guys getting dirtier in the way they abandon their wives? I've heard of several things from different couples that make me wonder what's up with that.
In the last year or so I have read in two leading Catholic magazines disturbing stories on how husbands have abandoned their wife and family and have asked for a divorce. I remember sharing both stories with a devout Catholic friend whose husband asked for a divorce out of the blue.

Why is this happening to more and more Catholic marriages?

What can we do to keep our marriages holy and intact?


  1. Esther, this happened to a friend of mine! Her husband of 17 years, with whom she has seven children from 14/15 to under 1 (!) left her this summer. Moved out. Tried to get custody of the kids (who are homeschooled) and put them into public school. (They filed for religious exemption years ago.) It's a nightmare, and he's not even committed to raising the children Catholic any more!!! (Also, I learned he was/is having an affair with a woman whose daughter was a friend of Big Girl's; B.G. doesn't know this part of it, but thank God the girl isn't on her soccer team any more, or I might have had to explain something more.) So, really, we are talking about two homeschooling families (one Catholic one Christian) with a total of 12 children involved. I cried the first night I knew and couldn't sleep at all.

    Esther, this breaks my heart, and it's frightening, especially to my own children, who can't understand why a Catholic homeschooling family is breaking apart suddenly.

    When I found out, I told Soccer Dad that we need to pray the Rosary as a family at least once a week. We've done so, even praying at the same time as each other when he is away during our usual Rosary time.

    The Devil is attacking our families because we are already working so hard against him. If he can attack the devout families and win, he thinks he'll win the whole shebang. I know Who wins in the end, but it is very upsetting to see families torn apart.

    In the meantime, we beg God's help for the families, and we even pray for the offending spouses to be converted in heart. (This is the hardest prayer, really.) And we beg the Blessed Mother and Saint Joseph for protection for our families, that they will intercede for us and for all the families in the world.

    This is a spiritual attack.

  2. Chris, I'm sorry to read that.

    We too have been trying to fortify our spiritual life by nightly family Rosary, Adoration once a week, etc.

    Thanks for this comment.

  3. Anonymous1:44 AM

    yes it happened to a friend of mine recently..

  4. I'm stunned that this is happening with more frequency.
