Friday, August 17, 2007

When Visiting a Blog Remember Your Party Manners

teaPicture source: This Site

Margaret Mary has an excellent post about visitors to blogs.

BTW, I must say that almost everyone who visits here have very good blog manners. Mahalo to you for that!

And, speaking of manners, I am curious about this and I'm directing this to other bloggers. I don't know about you but I get email requests all the time from folks who are looking for certain links, information, prayers, etc.. Even if I can't help them for whatever reason, I always respond.

The curious thing is, that only a small percentage of those folks ever say thank you.

Why? More than feeling slighted by this, I really am curious to know why. I know good manners are still important, are they not?


  1. I'll tell you thank you: Thank you for all your wonderful Catholic content here. You keep help keep me grounded in my faith, and you are a nice person too. :)

  2. :-) You are too kind. You know I wasn't referring to any of my blogging friends. I think you're very nice too!

  3. I agree, thank you! I am always enlightened and uplifted by your blog.

  4. Mimi, you are too nice!! I really wasn't fishing for thank yous from you guys :-) I do appreciate it though LOL!

  5. Anonymous12:17 PM

    I agree with both Alexandra and Mimi, your blog is both informative and uplifting - I know you weren't fishing, I just wanted to add my twopence worth of opinion into the mix.

  6. Esther, I have had a couple of people recently email me from my blog and ask me to direct them to resources. Both times I received a nice "thank you" email for the help provided. So never fear, the polite ones are out there!

    Speaking of thanks, I wanted to thank you for the Scripture stamps you made last week!

  7. Thanks so much Deb. That is how I feel about your blog too.

    That is nice Barb. I know there are polite people out there. I have made a few friends from just emailing back and forth.

    I'm glad you liked those stamps.
