Saturday, August 18, 2007

The Victory of Emily Rose

Emily Rose
My family and I were aware that the move The Exorcism of Emily Rose was based on a true story. However, I was not aware of the details of this young woman's life and death. I encourage you to read Fr. Euteneurer's article from which the following is taken:

When The Exorcism of Emily Rose came out in 2005 most people were not aware that the movie was based on a true story of a young German woman named Anneliese Michel who was possessed for many years and died in 1976 at the age of 23 probably of the possession itself. Her heart-wrenching story is instructive, not so much about the nature of evil, but about how good can be brought out of so much evil, especially when offered for the spiritual benefit of others. I believe that Anneliese Michel’s faithful endurance of such demonic sufferings would qualify as truly heroic...


  1. Anonymous10:26 AM

    I liked the movie. Pretty respectful to Caholicism.

    I've got my St. Theresa pics up btw!

    (that was a gratuitous plug)

    In Christ,

