Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Read Children's Prolife Book Online

The lovely little book written by Regina Doman is now available online. Angel in the Water

I must admit that this is the first time I have read it and it made me cry. I was surprised by my reaction since it is not a sad book. Then I realized it reminded me of when my Joey was born. He didn't have a mother's loving arms to hold him. My poor baby and I would not be brought together until 5 years later! But all in all, our family is grateful that his birth mother chose life for our son.

Please consider ordering this book for yourself or as a gift. You in turn will be helping out Sophia Institute Press known for their quality Catholic books.


  1. Mine is on the way right now!!

  2. What a beautiful book - thanks for telling us about it.

  3. Good Amy!

    WS, I do now too!

    NH: My pleasure!
