Friday, August 24, 2007

Prayer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus That Children May Have the Grace of a Catholic Education

SHThe following is from Seton Home Study
Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, parenthood is, I realize, a sacred trust. Let me not be neglectful of my duty. I know that proper religious education is all important and that without it, all other learning is of little worth. I appreciate, too, that it is a serious and grave obligation for Catholic parents to strive generously and perseveringly to obtain a good Catholic education for their children. Let me generously and bravely strive to obtain for them the religious education which You desire. May I remember that I shall have to give an account to You for every soul entrusted to me. Remembering this, may I generously fulfill that most important duty of any parent, to provide the proper spiritual instruction for their children. Heart of Jesus, Fountain of all knowledge, have mercy on us.

[Mother's Manual, Queen's Work, 1957]

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