Sunday, August 05, 2007

Prayer - Hope

bless you
Lord, no matter how unworthy I may feel, I hope to be with You in Heaven some day. I place all of my hope in You, relying on Your goodness, wisdom and love.

Help me to prove this hope by a loyal following of Your holy Will in all that happens to me today. I will deal with all things and events as You desire; that is without pride, impatience, or any other form of selfishness. I will use whatever I need with the intention of pleasing You rather than pleasing myself alone.

In my use of earthly remedies, I will not forget that Your holy Will is still governing every move I make. Never will You abandon my hopes. Do with me as You see fit, since no one knows and seeks my welfare more than You. Amen.
From My Daily Bread, Confraternity of the Precious Blood

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