Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Our Sentiments Exactly - "I Was Robbed"

As Catholic Baby Boomers growing up in the 70's, my husband and I often felt like we were cheated. It is interesting that a Generation X-er would feel like this too.

We attended the guitar folk Masses, where they sang catchy little tunes like "I Am the Resurrection". My husband never learned about devotions such as praying the Daily Rosary, Adoration or Holy Hours, the Divine Mercy Chaplet (well that came later so that is understandable), etc. I remember attending CCD classes but I don't remember using the Baltimore Catechism. I'm almost positive we did not. The saddest memories were of our favorite priests, and leaving the priesthood to be married. We grew up in two different states yet we still had similar experiences. In fact, if it weren't for our respective parents, I really don't know if we would have remained faithful Catholics.

Anyway, I am glad I found this post again. I found it when it was first posted and then I lost it. Mahalo Lynne!

A Quiet Catholic's I Was Robbed


  1. Unfortunately, not much has changed, at least in my area it has not. That's why I don't have my son in CCD classes.

    I didn't even know we had Adoration until you mentioned it here, and I went searching. It turns out we do have it, but it's only advertised on the parish website of which no one really knows about because it's so new. No one knows about it, at least no one I've spoken to at church. Odd.

  2. My husband and I grew up 1000 miles apart. He in New York; me in Florida. We are also the same age. Our age and our shared faith (since we are both Catholics) really makes us feel like we grew up together. We have all the same music and shared experiences. We have the same faith. It's interesting how two people can grow up so far apart, but because of their age and faith feel like they grew up next door. I'm so glad I met him.

    Your post reminded me of that.

    And, yes, I'm a GenXer. Need computers and video games. Pop some 80s into that CD player. Whoohooo!

  3. That is odd Alexandra. You would think they would want more people to attend.

    Elizabeth, my husband I feel like that too. And, BTW, I love 80's music :-)

  4. Esther, thank you for posting this! I will link to my blog later. I agree whole heartedly! We can only pray and do penance!!!

  5. Unfortunately, 'they' are still trying to rob us. You can see it with the angst about the freeing of the TLM. We have a chance to get the Church back. The next 10 or 20 years are going to be very important. It's funny, working on the parish library, you wouldn't believe how many dissident books I had to throw out! If it was published in the late 60s or 70s or the 80s, you can almost bet that the book was heterodox...

  6. Lynne, I am surprised on how people and I'm talking about older women who are scared that we will be reverting back to the way things used to be...Latin is one of their main concerns.
