Thursday, August 23, 2007

On the Dignity of Women

You may have noticed this new item on sidebar or on other blogs belonging to Catholic women. I'd like to refer you to what Donna of Embracing Motherhood has to say about this new initiative for Catholic women:
I am overjoyed to be able to offer this to all of you on this marvelous Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary! Please read the following through and pray about how you can help to spread this message in your own areas on the dignity and vocation of women, spoken of so beautifully by our late Pope John the Great. Take a look at the website which is in the process of being built, and use it as a resource. Please take time to read the Apostolic Letter so that you will become more familiar with the riches and wisdom it holds for us. This is a mighty celebration that will resound throughout the entire world all throughout 2008, the twentieth year anniversary of this amazing Apostolic Letter, Mulieris Dignitatem!
Although, I have not yet started to read the apostolic letter, I will be doing so and I encourage you to not only read it, but also look at the resources offered for forming discussion groups, etc.

The following is a link for Donna's radio segment Donna's Embracing Motherhood Radio Segment

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