Friday, August 24, 2007

Friday Fasts

Just a quick note on this topic. Fr. Grace was here for an all too brief stopover on his way to the Marian Conference. But our personal chats were jammed back with lots of good spiritual talks.

He said that we get up, we should be determined to fast every Friday on something particular. For instance, "Lord, today I will fast from coffee" or "Lord, today I will fast all day from television viewing". (He said this in a lovely Aussie accent).

One thing he told us (my friends, family and me) was that the best way to fast in reparation for sins is on bread and water.


  1. What a nice way to put it! My Dear Husband fasts almost every Friday. Usually just coffee and water until dinner. If he doesn't know who needs the prayers he offers them for me or the kids but usually he finds someone who needs the prayer. At his last job everyone knew by the end of 15 years there and while some never got it others asked for prayer. If he knew there was a going away party he'd move his fast so God got the prayer but the person felt honored. His participation meant a lot knowing the way he would change his whole week around for people.

  2. That is a wonderful thing to do Mary. !
