Sunday, July 01, 2007

Prayer Request

For those Catholics who are going through a dark night of the soul.

Prayer to Overcome Evil Passions and to Become a Saint
Dear Jesus, in the Sacrament of the Altar,
be forever thanked and praised.
Love, worthy of all celestial and terrestrial love!
Who, out of infinite love for me,
ungrateful sinner,
didst assume our human nature,
didst shed Thy most Precious Blood in the cruel scourging,
and didst expire on a shameful Cross
for our eternal welfare!
Now illumined with lively faith,
with the outpouring of my whole soul
and the fervor of my heart,
I humbly beseech Thee,
through the infinite merits of Thy painful sufferings,
give me strength and courage
to destroy every evil passion which sways my heart,
to bless Thee by the exact fulfillment of my duties,
supremely to hate all sin,
and thus to become a Saint.

Source: Catholic Online


  1. Anonymous1:08 AM

    Anyone going through a dark night is always welcome to chat to me..i've been through two lasting a couple of years each time....the pain is devastating & only really understood if you've been there. Thanks for the prayer..

    God bless

  2. Thank you for your offer Jackie. I hope others take advantage of your offer. I am so sorry you suffer like that. You are in my prayers.
