Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Prayer Request and Update on the Dominican Nuns in Jersey City

Thanks to Melanie for the update:
Dear Esther,

here is the very latest from the Dominican Nuns of the Perpetual Rosary in Union City, New Jersey. Before July is over, a series of meetings and conferences will have taken place between the nuns' superior, Mother Mary Jordan OP, and the Prior of the St Joseph Province of Dominican Friars for the eastern U.S. The entire community of nuns will be engaged, and probably some friars on the provincial staff. The Dominican Monastery's current situation will be evaluated and reviews, and their future will be discussed although this may or may not be the moment when decisions are taken about the community's next step.

I encourage everyone interested in this monastery, to keep in prayer a specific intention for guidance from the Holy Spirit and for intercession by St. Dominic on behalf of his cloistered nuns, that all may be done in accordance with the will of God, at this decisive moment in the history of the Union City Monastery. Many thanks, Melanie Trumbull


  1. Anonymous8:07 AM

    I came across your blog by accident while researching the Cloistered Dominican Nuns of the Perpetual Rosary. You see, I purchased their 1940 Custom Book recently and was fascinated by their life back then. This little book describes the everyday, daily life of a Sister within the cloister before the changes which came from Vatican II. From reading the Custom Book, you get the sense that the Dominican Sisters of the Perpetual Rosary was a vibrant and numerous order. I guess alot has changed since the 1940's. My prayers are with the few remaining Sisters and my our Lord bless them always.

    In Christ,

    Fr. Michael Hosmer

  2. Thank you Father. I know the sisters will appreciate your prayers.
    God bless,

  3. Anonymous1:27 PM

    Sub-Prioress Sr. Carol Marie OP, had a moment or two to answer my telephone call to the Union City monastery. Little has changed -- hence, no new post -- the four nuns continue, and the two who were ill are participating as fully as their health allows; the fifth, Mother Mary Jordan OP, remains in nursing care. The Dominican Friars all over the world have just completed their annual General Chapter. In July, before the Chapter, the nuns met with Father Prior Provincial. When he returns from the General Chapter in South America, Father will meet with the monastery nuns again. And that's "all she wrote.." Yours in Christ, Melanie Trumbull

  4. Thank you Melanie. I appreciate the update. As you can see, others are interested in your updates too.
    God bless,

  5. Anonymous2:11 PM

    any additional updated news on the sisters in Union City?? I have heard that the monastery was sold and the sisters would be relocated (together) to another monastery? the gift shop (very small) is still opened (as of Nov.2007)from 9-3p,M-F. The staff there are very discrete, providing little to no information. It is unfortunate that another community could not assist the sisters by moving into the monastery.

  6. Anonymous, I am posting an update right now. Please check my blog for the updates. Mahalo.

  7. Kristel Coma11:09 PM

    I’m asking for your prayers and help to please pray for my husband’s health to get better soon,he has pancreatitis and has a cyst around his liver,spleen and pancreas.We really need a miracle,please pray for him and pray for me that I will be home to him soon.We’ve been married for almost a year now but we are not together cause I am waiting for my visa to be approved,please pray that my visa will be approved so that I can finally take care my sick husband.I really need him and I miss him so much.I’m begging for your help,please pray for me and for my husband..Thank you so much .Kristel Coma

  8. Kristel, I will pray for your husband and your intentions. You may also want to consider leaving a prayer request at the Seelos Center.
    God bless,
