Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Poll Results and the Start of a New Question for the Month

The results to has your house been blessed?

Selection Votes
Yes 46% 44
Yes. It has also been enthroned to the Sacred Heart 19% 18
No. I don't think it necessary 0% 0
No, not yet. 11% 10
No, but I would like more information. 23% 22
I don't know what you are talking about. 1% 1

95 votes total


  1. Esther,

    I enjoyed reading your house blessing story. We have had both the houses we have lived blessed.

    Although my parents were strong cradle Catholics, I don't ever recall having our house blessed. I do remember my mom using holy water and lighting votive candles at times - while we prayed the rosary as a family and during storms. We also had a holy water font. My husband's mom sprinkled blessed salt around the house when there was a bad storm.

    I was surprised that more haven't had their houses blessed. I wonder why that is?

    I cleaned my house thoroughly before our priest came over to bless it. I actually had two priests offer to bless it. In addition to having our house blessed, both my husband and I have had our cars blessed. I wonder how many people have had that done? That would make an interesting question for your poll, too.

  2. That is interesting Jean. I wonder why that was? We have blessed salt at home but rarely use it. I sometimes I use it for cooking. My mom does that too especially, if she is not certain on the freshness of the meat. ha ha.
