Monday, July 02, 2007

Meditation for the Day - Remember Christian...

The following was shared by my friend Shana via email. Source: Subjects for Daily Meditation

Remember, Christian soul, that thou hast this day, and every day of thy life:

God to glorify,
Jesus to imitate,
The Angels and Saints to invoke.
A soul to save,
A body to mortify,
Sins to expiate,
Virtues to acquire,
Hell to avoid,
Heaven to gain,
Eternity to prepare for,
Time to profit by.
Neighbours to edify,
The world to despise,
Devils to combat,
Passions to subdue,
Death perhaps to suffer,
Judgment to undergo.

"Medulla Pietatis Christianae sive Libellus Precum pro Adolescentibus Litterarum Studiosis", Schneider, Joseph, S.J., Cologne, 1876.. The English is from the "Manual of Prayers", Third Plenary Council of Baltimore, 1888.

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  1. Anonymous3:16 AM

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