Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Helping Your Dearly Departed and Priests


My friend Mary Ann and her dear husband Bob run a ministry to help the Holy Souls in Purgatory. The following is from this month's newsletter.
One of the priests who joined us as a Prayer Warrior is studying communications in Rome. He has been very kind over the past year by making himself available to do the Gregorian Mass for many of you who had requested the Gregorian Mass for your deceased friends and relatives. Many of the priests who are continuing their studies in Rome do not get mass stipends or an income from their monasteries in their country of origin, and so depend on groups like Friends of the Poor Souls to help them with their basic needs by sending as many mass stipends as possible. Father has been chosen to do some internship this August at EWTN in Alabama which he says is quite an honor at his college. He is very excited to have been chosen. It will be his first trip to the United States. He recently sent us the following email:
To read the email, please click HERE

If you would like to help out priests like Fr. George as well as having Gregorian Masses said for your friends and family, please contact Mary Ann at her blog.

I Regret: Wasted time.
I Regret: Extravagance in the use of earthly possessions.
I Regret: Neglect of so many splendid graces. - The benefit of a single grace is greater than all the material value of the whole world." (St. Thomas)
I Regret: The evil which I have done.
I Regret: The scandal which I have given.
I Regret: My neglect of acts of mortification.
I Regret: The little amount of charity I have shown the Poor Souls in my life on earth


  1. Excellent Post!!!

  2. Anonymous6:49 AM

    i liked the post too!

  3. Great post, Esther.

  4. Thank you for this, Esther!
    Cyrene, Ashley and Easter

  5. Glad you enjoyed it ladies.
    Thanks Easter and girls, it's nice to be back.
