Saturday, June 30, 2007

Poll Closing and New Poll Coming Up

Thanks to all of you who took the time to vote in our little survey. The results are as follows:

Prominently center, behind the Altar 50% 77
Either to the left of right of the Altar 38% 58
In a separate room, e.g. Adoration Chapel 8% 12
In the back of the Church 3% 4
I'm still looking for It. 2% 3

154 votes total

Okay, the last one worries me a tad. I hope you three were kidding.

Please vote in our new survey/poll regarding house blessings.


  1. Silly, isn't it? I always wanted to get the whole thing done, even enthronement, but I kept wanting to wait till the house was done being fixed up. I am slowly learning that i don't think it will ever be done.
    I think I better call the parish office.

  2. Amy, that should be a priority. We also had our car blessed when we first bought it and our pets blessed as well when our home was blessed.
