Sunday, May 20, 2007

Where Can You Get the Best Tasting Bagels?

Well, New Jersey of course!

I have been looking forward to a hot bagel from our local bagelry. My sister picked some up for us the other morning. Was it worth waiting for! She got me onion bagels and a salt bagel. The salt bagel was a bit salty. I think I like the everything bagel the best though.


  1. Everything bagels are fine. I'm partial to anything bagels.

  2. Waving at you from across the state! I hope your visit is going well. Wish you had more time so you could visit with me, too :)

  3. What Jeffrey said.

  4. Jeffrey and Ma, what is an anything bagel?

    Hi Barb, I am waving back to you!! Me too, that would be nice.

  5. Well, they're called "everything" bagels here, but they are just that. They might have onion, sesame seeds, poppy seeds, salt, etc.
    Usually a mish-mash of ingredients, but it's REALLY good!

  6. Oh! The everything and anything bagel must be the same thing then. Thanks Ma.
