Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Please Help Movie BELLA

For a while now Leticia of Causa Nostrae Laetitiae has been promoting this movie. To be quite honest, it didn't really capture my interest in the beginning. However, after reading more about it and watching the trailer, I now want to do my part in promoting this pro-life movie.
“If you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans.” This line, spoken by Mexican actor Eduardo Verstegui, opens the movie Bella.
Sunny, of Faith and Country shared the following in a Catholic group we both belong to:
Eduardo Verastegui, one of the most successful Mexican actors in Hollywood today, has become one of the strongest voices against the legalization of abortion in Mexico City.

He rediscovered the faith of his parents in the most unlikely place on the planet and he has no fear of public rejection for his denouncing of the holocaust of abortion. Verastegui has revealed his pro-life convictions to various Mexican media outlets and he has created an organization in California to help those in need, especially women who are seeking abortions.
You can find the entire article at Catholic News Agency

So, if BELLA, comes to a theater near you, consider yourself blessed and go see it and more importantly, spread the word.


  1. We need to do another "Passion of the Christ" grassroots support of "Bella", to encourage the distributor to release it on the East and West Coast. Right now, they only want to release it in the Midwest.
    Fr Leo of the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal, the order who assisted the producers film the movie, told me that Metanoia's next project is a movie on Blessed Miguel Pro.

  2. That will be worthwhile seeing! I am going to send the info from you blog to the consierge at our local theater who brought the Passion of the Christ to Hawaii. He isn't Catholic but he is a devout Christian.
