Thursday, April 19, 2007

Your Favorite Rosary

Thanks to the new Catholic Moms Online Blogroll, I am visiting some new and interesting blogs.One of them is Sharon's The Bird's Nest. Sharon posted about sharing our favorite rosary beads.

I have a few favorites like the one my mom gave me with the crucifix shaped like JPII's staff or the white rosary beads, the Franciscan Sisters of St. Elizabeth gave my DH and me as a wedding gift.

Another favorite was also given to me by my mom...pressed rose petals with the Holy Family in the center before the start of the 5 decade beads.

For every day use, I pray my rosary on a medal finger rosary.

But my favorite one is the Rosary and Chaplet of the Unborn given to me by my friends Linda and Josephine. One gave me a chaplet of the unborn and the other the rosary of the unborn. As you can see by the picture, each bead contains a tiny baby. What a wonderful way to remember to pray for the unborn!rosary unborn1 To learn more about the Rosary for the Unborn CLICK HERE


  1. I love those Esther! I've never seen beads like that. And you're right, what a great way to remember the unborn.

  2. Esther,

    What a beautiful rosary! I pray often for the unborn and for their families. This is a wonderful way to keep them in our thoughts and prayers. Thanks for sharing this.

  3. Ladies: When I first saw it, I was so touched by the tiny baby in each bead. Glad you liked it.

  4. Those are so wonderful! And thanks for the reminder to join the Catholic blogroll. I've had that bookmarked for sometime now.

  5. I've seen a rosary like that; one of my fellow secular Franciscans has one. It's a beautiful way to remember to keep the culture of life in our prayers!

  6. My Mom has one of those.
