Sunday, April 01, 2007

You Know You're a Cradle Catholic When...

H/T to Just Doing My Best

1. Your Sunday Missal was a gift for your First Holy Communion, and has a large chocolate stain on the page for the Easter Sunday daytime Mass. [Or is that just me?]

2. You were baptised before you were old enough to hold your head up unaided.

3. Every time you fell over and grazed your knee as a child, your mother would tell you to "offer it up".

4. There's a lively family discussion every year about whether you're still required to fast on Christmas Eve.

5. At least once in your life, you have accidentally genuflected on entering a theatre or cinema.

6. You once worked out that the only person in your family who was required to fast under the rules of the Church was your mother. Since she was responsible for catering, the entire family fasted every fast day anyway.

7. When you were told to draw your family tree as a child at school, you kept having to ask for extra paper.

8. Converts seem to know a lot more about the teachings of the Church and the source of Catholic beliefs than you do.

9. As a teenager, you used to have a snack at 11:30 pm the night before a fast day and keep eating until midnight struck, to stave off any potential hunger pangs.

10. Talking about your beliefs makes you feel faintly uncomfortable, particularly when in the company of other cradle Catholics (especially if they also happen to be members of your family). You do, however, know a good selection of Catholic jokes.

I would like to add one find yourself doing the Sign of the Cross when passing the library or other secular building.


  1. Looks like I pass the test for being a "cradle Catholic"...also a Junior Bed, Twin Bed, Double Bed, Kingsized Bed....hopefully until I get my "cement bed". :-0
