Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Vision of Purgatory

PurgatoryPainting by Dore

Thanks Sue

I was in Purgatory tonight. It was as if I were being led into an abyss, where I saw a large hall. It is touching to see the Poor Souls so quiet and sad. Yet their faces reveal that they have joy in their hearts, because of their recollection of God's loving mercy. On a glorious throne, I saw the Blessed Virgin, more beautiful than I had ever beheld Her. She said,'I entreat you to instruct people to pray for the suffering Souls in Purgatory, for they certainly will pray much for us out of gratitude. Prayer for these holy souls is very pleasing to God because it enables them to see Him sooner ...'
From the Revelations of Blessed Anna Katerina Emmerich


  1. Hi :)
    Thank you very, very much.
    I need a help with set up.
    God Bless you.

  2. Anonymous8:23 PM

    Indeed. Those most in need of prayer are the souls in purgatory.

  3. It's sad to know they can't help themselves but we can help them.
    They in turn will help us when they get to Heaven. We need to help as many as we can.

  4. Mary, let me know how I an help you. You can email me anytime.

    Tito and Micki, I wish every single human being on earth knew how important it is to pray for the souls and to try in our every day life to avoid Purgatory by making sacrifices now.

  5. I have have been thinking much about Purgatory lately, with my father in law so close to death. It is indeed a blessing to pray for those in Purgatory.

  6. Sorry to hear that Amy. He is in my prayers. I too have been thinking a lot about Purgatory...avoiding it. Puts the things in this world in a whole new perspective.
