Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Corporal Acts of Mercy - Visiting Prisoners

Artwork by Jason Treas

To visit the imprisoned: "I was in prison and you came to me." Mt. 25:36

If your parish has a prison ministry, consider joining it. My husband's late co-worker was a math professor like my husband. He would tutor prisoners in basic math, etc. This was part of the prison ministry at his parish.

Consider visiting PNCEA Prison Ministries and reading their online newsletters.

In their recent newsletter the mention a prisoner saint...St. Fabian whose feast day is January 20th.


  1. In the seminary I will be able to take part in prison ministry, but at this time, no parish near me has such a ministry.

  2. I forgot to mention that the jails and prisons would be happy to receive older issues of Catholic periodicals. At least that is true in some places in Hawaii and NJ.
