Monday, March 05, 2007

Corporal Acts of Mercy - Visiting the Sick

Visiting the Sick Picture courtesy of Christianity for Children

Visiting the Sick

The other day our priest told us he was sick in bed all day. In the evening he got a call from a parishioner from a neighboring parish looking for a priest for a dying man. Father actually got out of his sick bed to attend to the dying man. That got me to thinking of the many people who don't ask for a priest and who may die without the final absolution. If you know someone who is very sick or elderly, please suggest to them that they have the anointing of the sick.

This Lent, we should all try to visit the sick in the hospital or the housebound.

The following are prayers for the sick:

Prayer for Help in Time of Sickness

Lord Jesus Christ,
Incarnate Son of God,
for our salvation
You willed to be born in a stable,
to endure poverty, suffering, and sorrow
throughout your life,
and finally to experience the bitter death of the cross.

I beg You to say to Your Father on my behalf;
"Father, forgive him/her."
At my death, say to me:
"This day you shall be with me in paradise."
And let me throw myself on Your mercy:
"into Your hands I commend my spirit."

Prayer for the Restoration of Health

O Sacred Heart of Jesus
I come to ask you for the gift of restored health
that I may serve You more faithfully
and love You more sincerely than in the past.
I want to be well and strong
if it is Your will
and redounds to Your glory.

If on the other hand it is Your will
that my sickness continue,
I want to bear it with patience.
If in Your divine wisdom
I am to be restored to health and strength,
I will strive to show my gratitude
by a constant and faithful service rendered to You.


  1. You have a good parish priest there!

    My own is equally self sacrificing, but I know of others who are not and even, dare I say it, make it clear that other priests are to be approached about such things.

    We need to pray for priests, that they may all be as willing to put the needs of others first at all times.
