Friday, March 02, 2007

Corporal Acts of Mercy - Sheltering the Homeless

Madonna of the Streets Picture is the Madonna of the Streets

To shelter the homeless

Unless we can open our door and invite a homeless person to live with our family, we cannot do what Jesus' asks. Or can we? There are ways we can help those in need of a home.

1. We can donate to a homeless shelter either with our time or money.

2. We can also remember to help the unwed mothers in our midst...those who may have made a mistake but did not compound the problem by aborting (murdering) their baby.

There are many organizations that help unwed mothers. Here in Hawaii we have the Catholic Charities' Mary Jane Program I know that one of our Catholic homeschooling groups helps them out on a regular basis.

Another program that I would recommend is the one run by Fr. Benedict Groeschel...Good Counsel Homes. My family and I went to hear Fr. Groeschel and Chris Bell speak in New Jersey. They do wonderful work! You can read for yourself by visiting their website.

3. We can discuss with our family what can be done to do our small part in helping shelter the homeless.

You'll be surprised what ideas your children or even your husband may come up with.

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