Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Liturgical Cliff Notes for Holy Week


Mysterium Fidei posted the following as a reminder as we approach Holy Week:

Washing of Women's feet is completely forbidden by the Apostolic See. This is reserved to men, preferably twelve of number, thus it symbolizes the twelve apostles. Remember the special prayers for the Roman Canon are adjusted for Holy Thursday.

The crucifix should be covered in a red or black material. Also, the baptismal founts are drained on this day until the evening of the Easter Vigil. This is the only day of the liturgical year in which Mass is not, and is prohibited from being celebrated. A Liturgy of the Word with Communion is done by a priest with the special rite prepared in the Sacramentary. Holy Father Benedict XVI permits black to replace the red in the Liturgy of the Word, but red most be work for the Rite of Holy Communion. A cope is appropriate for the Liturgy of the Word, and is permissible for the Communion Rite. This distinguishes Mass from Communion Services.

Readings should not be cut out. While the rubrics opt for this, it is suggested that all be read. The Easter Vigil is the most important vigil in the Church and the readings "portray the whole history of human salvation, from the time of Adam to Jesus Christ." (PBXXI) Thus, shortening the rite is ridiculous. Remember the special prayers for the Roman Canon are adjusted for this feast day.


  1. Anonymous7:48 PM

    Thank you for this wonderful post...it was really great to read...and in the spirit of Easter i's also like you to visit my blog on Easter Wishes sometime and share some of the fun and joy it's filled up with!!!
