Monday, March 12, 2007

Lenten Improvement - How Communion Makes One Better

BM and Eucharist

The following is taken from Improve:Now is the Acceptable Time! distributed by the Archconfraternity of Christian Mothers.

Note: Fr. Lester has kindly permitted me to use these excerpts daily. Please click HERE to learn more about the Archconfraternity of Christian Mothers and to consider joining them as a member.

She Was Different
"A mother went to Holy Communion on a Sunday morning at a Day of Recollection. Towards the end of the week her little boy said, 'Gee, Mom, I hope you make some more of those days. You're pretty nice for about three days after one of them.' Mother was different. She was better. Why? She had our Lord with her and had spent five hours in His presence during the Day of Recollection. Don't we become a little like the people with whom we live?"

Twenty-Six Years
"One dad said: 'I'm a better man all the way around because of Holy Communion. God has blessed me and my family and I haven't missed Holy Communion on First Friday for the past twenty-six years."

"A young mother writes: 'Honest, Father, I couldn't start the day right without Holy Mass and Communion. God certainly helps me to get thorough the day, and I might add, saves the children from being 'clobbered' many times."

Power for Purity
"On one occasion the men at Notre Dame were asked: 'What helps you more than anything else to stay pure?' The majority answered in writing: 'Daily Holy Communion."

Waiting for Me!
"When Christ walked this earth, people with all kinds of problems approached Him and received help. The shepherds and the kings; the blind and the lame and the lepers; the adulteress, the Pharisees, and the weeping women. All went away better, refreshed and encouraged. Christ is still available. He wants to help everybody. 'Come to Me all you who labor and are burdened and I will refresh you.' He is as close as the nearest Catholic Church waiting for you and me."

Model of Meekness
"Do you find yourself slipping into uncharitable remarks, conversations, and gossiping? The best remedy is more frequent Holy Communion. With Christ, the model of meekness and fraternal love in your heart, you will find it easier to allow for the faults of others. Are you tempted to use foul speech or to tell dirty jokes? Nothing will restrain you so much as the thought of Christ's precious Body and Blood resting on your tongue in Holy Communion. Keep your tongue sacred and clean for Him."

Aware of God
"The strongest curb against immodesty in dress is frequent Holy Communion. We come to realize that Christ dwells in our body and accordingly we shy away from any styles that would be offensive to the pure Christ and His spotless Mother".

"I'm Not Good Enough"
"Our generous Mother the Church has minimized the problem of fasting. The well-instructed and well-intentioned Catholics never fall victim to staying away from Communion thinking 'I'm not worthy.' They will realize that receiving may make them more worthy. Nor will good-living Catholics believe that they must go to Confession each time they want to go to Communion...Each day you can find a bit of heaven on earth with Christ at Mass and Holy Communion."

An Invitation
"May you, as you read this message, heed the grace and invitation to deepen your love for our Lord in Holy Communion. May you never have the regret expressed by one person at the point of death. 'Father, I wish now I had gone more often to Holy Communion'."

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