Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Lenten Humor

Meat Police

Paul's cartoon highlights the hilarious tale that Fr. Jay wrote about recently.


  1. Hysrterical!
    Esther, I love the new header on your blog, it is lovely!

  2. Thanks so much Amy!

  3. I was doing the same thing last Friday - ensuring Catholics picked off the sausage from their pizzas.

  4. What are Catholics doing meat on Fridays during Lent? Does it slip their minds or are they not practicing Catholics? Just wondering...

  5. Oh my goodness. I have messed up on Fridays of Lent in the past. Sometimes I just forget what DAY of the week it is. I'll be in the middle of a cheeseburger and it'll dawn on me, mid-way and mid-chew that it's Friday.

    I haven't messed up this Lent though!! So far, so good.

  6. FW, I guess one can forget. I know I caught someone I know and love but who shall remain nameless :-) about to eat meat until I reminded him.
