Wednesday, February 07, 2007

A Tranquil Blog

Thumbs Up
There are many Catholic blogs that I try to read regularly. Some inform, some teach, some share their daily lives with their readers, a few are quite humerous, and a few are even controversial. They are all very interesting blogs. But there is one blog that consistently offers me peace.

That blog belongs to St. Elizabeth Ann Seton's Exchange. It is an unassuming little blog which offers posts that are spiritually helpful, healthy and it just makes me feel good. So I want to publickly spotlight Denise's little blog. Mahalo Denise!


  1. Oh my (blushing).
    Peace to you my friend, and thank you so kindly. You are a blessing to my cyber-spiritual life...which pours over into my real life :) :) :)


  2. Denise, I just had to tell everyone how your blog makes one feel when visiting. Thank you for your kind words.
    God bless my friend.
