Saturday, February 03, 2007

How To Regain Authority Over Your Child

Child and Jesus
I've been organizing and decluttering our home. I found a treasure trove of clips, booklets,Catholic holy cards, prayers, advice, etc. that I had saved early on in our marriage. The following is I believe, one for troublesome teens. Even though it refers to a boy, it pertains to both boys and girls:

by James W. Demers

"All parents know the warning sings. Suddenly a rebel lives under your roof. What follows is a ten point plan to re-assert authority over your child":

1. Stop trying to be his friend, he needs a parent not another peer!

2. Never let him think you need his permission to act in his best interest. You are his parent not his Fan Club president.

3. Never let a lie about the home and family go unchallenged. A child allowed to get away with one lie about home life, will create a fantasy home you don't recognize.

4. Never let him rate you, his siblings or your home on a scale of 1 to 10. Teachers who allow their students to make ratings on people and things should be confronted. It instills dangerous illusions of power. Your child as no credentials to be your critic.

5. You can win back even the most disrespectful renegade child by one single tactic. Never let him know what is coming up next, what your plans are for the weekend, for tomorrow, for the evening and even supper. Unless he asks.

6. Make him win you back. No more multiple freebies. No laundry if the clothes are not deposited. No respect unless respect is given. Discard the litany the sociologists have imposed on you.

7. Stop being just an extra on your-son-the-superstar's set. Or you will en d up powerless as his teacher.

8. Set standards he must meet. Let him know he can pass or fail. There may be no order in the outside world but you must have order in your home. Dress code, cleanliness, language, sound levels. Your standards!

9. Teach him self-denial, the secret of the saints. Encourage him to give extra change to his siblings, to pick out clothes from his close to give to charity. To part with his old comics. He'll start linking you to his inner worth.

10. Make him account for his whereabouts and activities. He is accountable to you. Don't be afraid to lure him on with the "M' word.

R + A = M or Responsibility plus Accountability equals Maturity.
Taken from Meeting Mr. B. Chapter 2, Part II of Children of Winter
5207 Victoria Ave.,
Niagara Falls, Ontario L2E 4E4


  1. Maybe I'm just slow... what's the M word?

    Because around here we have the C word (extra chore), the S word (spanking), the W word (writing sentences) and the N word (No [insert privilege here]}.

  2. I think I forgot to type in the last part.

  3. Just have to tell you what an inspiring Jesus/Child at Beach picture you have. Do you have the actual picture/card? Just terrific!

  4. No I don't as some shared a tag they had made from it. But feel free to use it.
