Saturday, February 10, 2007

An Artist of Worth

Peggy Chun Picture courtesy of Peggy Chun Website You can see samples of her artwork by visiting her website.

When I moved to Hawaii, I was enthralled by the local artwork. One of the artists whose works I really enjoyed was Peggy Chun. Her work was beautiful in depicting familiar Hawaiian settings, beaches, the floral and even her pet cat Boo. We bought a little print recently and I wish I could post the photo here. It shows Boo in a little swimsuit next to a surfboard. It is very whimsical. Peggy, a devout Catholic has also painted portraits of Hawaii's own soon-to-be saint, Blessed Mother Marianne Cope.

However, Peggy was struck down with ALS or "Lou Gehrig's Disease". In recent years she has declined in health, which affected her movement, and now she is paralyzed. Throughout this whole progression of the disease, Mrs. Chun kept painting.

This week's Hawaii Catholic Herald features Peggy Chun's newest project that of creating a mosaic of Blessed Damien, with the help of some Catholic school children. You can read more about this amazing women by clicking the title above or the link for the Hawaii Catholic Herald.

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