Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Fr. Stan Fortuna - School of the Eucharist

Like I was just telling Joey, no, I don't like rap unless it's Fr. Stan doing the rapping.

The refrain is as follows:


at this school when i sit
even just a little bit
i get hit with the power
that made the veil in the temple split
when i submit
fall on the floor and adore
can’t get enough
got to come back for sa-more
every prostitute and sinner
every fool and hypocrite
can benefit in this school
repent and commit
as the incense rises up
in adoration of the throne
somethin happens
to my wounded heart
from all the love revealed and shown
bright light Shekina
comes to my aid to assist
to change and sustain
the way i think and exist
to feel the bliss because my name
is in the book of life’s list
that’s what happens when you sit
in the school of the Eucharist

The complete lyrics can be found at Francesco Productions


  1. Anonymous11:13 AM

    Hey Esther,

    That is really cool! I don't normally like rap, either. As a matter of fact, when I was listening to this the first time, ds 9 came out with a really weird look on his face and said, "Uhhh, Mom, WHAT are you listening to?"

    The words are too true. So true, that it brings tears to my eyes.

    Thanks for sharing, you always have the coolest stuff,


    You always find the coolest stuff.

  2. Glad you liked it Tracy!
    PS: Thanks, I try to find interesting things to post.
