Wednesday, February 21, 2007

24 Ways of Improving Yourself During Lent

Day 1
From Improve: Now is the Acceptable Time! Distributed by Archconfraternity of Christian Mothers.

1. Let's be happy.
2. Let's make other people happy.
3. Let's be courteous drivers.
4. Let's study our religion.
5. Let's pray more.
6. Let's live today as if it will be our last day.
7. Let's not make the faults of others our standards.
8. Let's look at ourselves through the eyes of Jesus and Mary.
9. Let's go to Confession.
10. Let's forgive before the sun goes down.
11. Let's go to Holy Mass every weekend, Holy Holy Day and weekday when we can.
12. Let's draw closer to Mary so she can keep us close to her Boy, Christ.
13. Let's pray the Rosary every day.
14. Let's be peace makers.
15. Let's work as if we owned the place where we are employed.
16. Let's give children more of our self, our time, our affection.
17. Let's work for the Church.
18. Let's give alms to the poor.
19. Let's be modest in dress.
20. Let's appreciate the wonderful world we live in.
21. Let's count our blessings.
22. Let's agree with the will of God.
23. Let's compliment more than we criticize.
24. Let's be sorry for our sins.

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