Monday, January 08, 2007

Were the Early Christian Communists?

Of course they weren't. But the more liberal Catholics try to convince us that they were according to an article in Tradition, Family and Property Click there to read the article in it's entirety.


  1. It's an interesting question. In the book of Acts, the early Christians sell everything and present it at the feet of the apostles and they share everything amongst themselves.

    They were not FORCED to share everything (as occurs in communism). The STATE didn't force them to do it; out of their own free will they did it. They had the freedom to do this.

    In a non-communist nation, YOU (the individual) choose how you wish to live. If you want to sell everything and present the proceeds to share amongst your brothers and sisters, you do that. If you don't want to, you don't. In a communist state, you have no choice.

    I've heard a lot of people try to refer to Jesus as a Socialist, etc., and some left-wing politicians in Latin America use this to move their political agenda. God, Himself, gave us free will, he doesn't force us.

  2. I guess one can twist anything Jesus said to serve one's own agenda.
