Sunday, January 28, 2007

Six habits of highly effective dioceses

Ask God

H/T to my friend Lois

Source: Catholic Online

Why are some dioceses better at attracting vocations than others? In Tim Drake’s recent story “Vocations Surge,” the National Catholic Register provided some answers to that question.

Based on what we learned, here are six questions successful dioceses all answer

1. Is the Eucharist the center of vocation efforts?

2. Is the diocese unabashed about personally inviting men to be priests?

3. Is the seminary faithful to the magisterium of the church?

4. Are there many strong and faithful families to draw from?

5. Do young men know and interact with priests?

6. Did young people in the area go to World Youth Day?

For details on each habit, please click above.

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Republished with permission by Catholic Online from the Jan. 28 - Feb. 3, 2007, National Catholic Register (, a Catholic Online Preferred Publishing Partner.


  1. Anonymous8:00 AM

    I like the post. Last night at a confirmation class, our Bishop made a direct challenge to all parents, family and friends. "DO NOT DISCOURAGE VOCATIONS". He said that often, the case is that parents' dreams for their child to be successful, causes them to react negatively to a child considering a vocation to Holy Orders.

    In Christ,


    P.S. I will add you to my side bar. Nice blog.

  2. Travis: I wish all bishops would speak out like that.
    BTW, thanks for adding my my blog. You have a nice blog to. I will be adding yours to my sidebar also.
