Friday, January 19, 2007

Priests Need Solid Formation

VATICAN CITY, JAN. 19, 2007 ( The Church today needs priests with a sound human, cultural and spiritual formation, says Benedict XVI.

The Pope made that assessment today at an audience with priests, deacons and seminarians of various countries studying at the Capranica College, the seminary of the Diocese of Rome.

Popes Benedict XV and Pius XII received formation at the seminary, which was founded in 1457.

"The quality of the clergy depends on the soundness of their formation," said the Pope in his address to the seminarians.

In addition to studies, seminarians should receive an "integral formation, centered on the spiritual dimension," whose "pillars are the daily sacrament of the Eucharist and the sacrament of confession."

Benedict XVI said the Church has opted for "a sound human, cultural and spiritual formation, open to the needs proper to times and places."


  1. Anonymous8:06 PM

    I feel bad you didn't tag me! LOL! Just kidding! Intresting stuff though!

  2. Thanks. I thought I tagged you for the last meme that's why I skipped you this time.
