Friday, January 12, 2007

Prayer Request

Prayer Request
Sue, the lady who shares lots of the reflections with me, also has a group of prayer warriors. The following is one request she received.

Please pray for Danny. He is in New York, and, at 61, is now homeless. Please pray with me the Lord will provide suitable housing, and the sustaining means for him to live(before the end of this week). May God's timing coincide with our sense of urgency in this matter.

Danny's original message is below:

Hi my brothers and sisters
I really need your prayers this week for strength and provision as i find myself homeless in NYC at 61 years of age and feeling very, very tired.
GOD richly bless you
brother Danny

Sue usually provides an email where you can send a message of encouragement. However, in respect for Danny's privacy, I will not post his email here. If you would like to send him a message, just post a comment or send me an email and I will relay it to him.