Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Inspirational Stories of Evangelizing

Often as Catholics we feel we lack the fire to evangelize. It is in fact our duty as a Catholic to evangelize in ways we can. Sometimes, it is just by our examples.

The following is an excerpt from
Fr. Robert Fox

..."Among the stories I could tell of people who have come into the Catholic Church or reverts who found their way back to the fullness of true faith, by coming to this Shrine - I choose one of the latest
which happened a couple days ago.

As I had completed my usual more than two hours daily at the
Shrine, offering in the large lower church , Christ’s Sacrifice of
the Cross perpetuated, meditation, etc. - I was crossing the the big
piazza in front of the Shrine on my way to the parking lot. A
couple in their 60’s approached me. The man had been a biblical
scholar; he said, “a biblical scholar with a small `s’ “. They had
stopped at the Shrine before, he said, and they had seen me about -
but this was the first time the opportunity presented itself to talk
to me. Strict observance of reverential silence is kept at the
Shrine in the presence of our Eucharistic Lord.

The man who had spent most of his life studying the Bible said: “I entered the Catholic Church two years ago. Your book, “Protestant Fundamentalism and the Born-Again Catholic” got me started. I wanted to thank you. “How did you discover this book?” I asked. I bought it here at the Castle store. The man, aware that the converted scriptural scholar, Scott Hahn, had endorsed the book - had a need to talk, as did his wife who followed him into the Catholic Church. Many other stories could be told about the BORN- AGAIN CATHOLIC BOOK - including a 25 year old man whose Aunt, married to a minister, wanted him out of the Catholic Church - so she gave him my book, thinking it was by a fallen away Catholic. Instead, it set the young man on fire with love for the Catholic faith and the
desire to evangelize others.

1 comment:

  1. I find stories like these not only refreshing but inspiring.

    Thank you
