Sunday, January 14, 2007

Choose Death?

Choose Death
Ric reports that in order to show both sides of an issue, a pro-abortion license plate may be an option in more states. So far, the pro-choice license plate is available in Montana and Hawaii!

The following is a description of the plate:

The "award winning" license plate design is a half way honest but creepy depiction of a blood-red mother star with her patriotic blue star baby apparently floating upward into the sky after being aborted-- all against a pure snow white background. I supposed you have to think long and hard about how to come up with a user friendly way to depict the grizzly surgical procedure of an abortion.
Choose Life

All I can do is suggest that more people, especially in Hawaii and Montana, use the
Choose Life license plate on your vehicles.


  1. I find the design of the pro aborts' plate ironic. A little star inside a bigger one? Shouldn't that be a big star throwing a little one in the trash?

    Sorry, just tired of "pro choicers" who don't like that the Choose Life plate funds organizations that provide choices for women without asking them to sacrifice their children to the god of abortion.

    (and I had one of those plates when I lived in Florida, too. Wish I could get one in Virginia!)

  2. United to [choose to] kill?

  3. I have a Choose Life license plate frame in New York state(all we can do for now is show that we would have such a plate if the liberals would allow it).
    I'll bet that those 'choose death'plates aren't too popular. Too many women have been wounded, and aren't proud of having had abortions.

  4. I hope "Exhibit A" doesn't go through. I do NOT want to see THAT plate around my state.

  5. Thanks for linking to my blog!

    The word need to get out! Thanks!

  6. Anonymous6:26 PM

    Check out Colorado's beautful plates. I just purchased them. My family has 4 vechiles, all of which have them!!! I think it is one of the $75 dollar ones. Also note, that this plates extra money goes to a Pro-Life program.....????

  7. Paul VI, as you know I just got one of those pro-life plates and the cost is $25 one time fee, and I believe that the money goes to a pro-life orginazation. God Bless!

  8. Chris: So true!

    PBXVI, I guess that is what they are trying to get across.

    Leticia and FW: I was surprised to learn that HI is one of the states that has it. I haven't seen any areound here and I hope not too. I also see very few of the Choose Life one even though it has been around for a few years now.

    Ric, thank you for posting it!!

    Paul and PB: Here it costs between 25. to 30. per year. to have the Choose Life plate and a portion goes to the prolife group. It is well worth it!

  9. Anonymous6:57 AM

    "Choose Life" license plates are now available in Tennessee. Also, the front "Choose Life" vanity plate is available through Tennessee Right to Life.
