Monday, January 15, 2007


Mahalo Sue.

My Jesus, Thou alone art sufficient for me.

Lord, who am I, that Thou shouldst desire so much to be loved by me?

Make me all Thine before I die.

Eternal Father, for the love of Jesus Christ have pity on me.

When I see Thee for the first time, my Jesus, may it be with a look of mercy.

May I die rather than ever offend Thee again.

I should be too ungrateful, O my Jesus, if I loved Thee but little, after so many graces.

Thou didst give Thyself all to me; I give myself all to Thee.

Accept the love of a soul which has offended Thee so deeply

I give Thee my will, my liberty; dispose of me as Thou pleasest.

May my only happiness be to please Thee, O Infinite Goodness.

O my God! I rejoice in that Thou art infinitely happy.

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