Saturday, December 02, 2006

Keeping Christ in Christmas

On our way back from Confession this morning, my husband and I passed by the area where Honolulu City Lights will be celebrated this evening. It is the annual event where the "Holiday" tree is lit, a parade goes through town and "Holiday" music is played.

We were looking for the display that we knew the Knights of Columbus had put up. Here in our lovely city, there is a lottery for all groups to get a chance for their display to secure an area around Honolulu Hale (City Hall). It is not unusual to see a Buddhist display, the Families of Gays and Lesbian display and if a Christian group is lucky, a Christmas manger display.
Tolerance and diversity is a big deal here in our island paradise.

Well, we found a couple of Christian displays and then we spotted it...the Knights of Columbus' display. It looked so simply, white outlines of the Holy Family and the Three Wise Men, covered in tiny lights. Behind them a large white sign that stated very clearly...KEEP CHRIST IN CHRISTMAS. Tonight after dark falls, this will be a very beautiful and spectular scene to see...and in all its simplicity, it will speak volumes.

I will post a photo later on.


  1. Anonymous4:14 PM

    While it is upsetting that you found the ONE display, I am glad that the Knights of Columbus are setting this up in Hawaii!

  2. Good news, we found a couple of more Christian displays.
