Monday, December 04, 2006

First Week of Advent - A Time to Listen

H/T to my friend EASTER who wrote the poem:

A Time to Listen


Quiet my heart that I may listen

To your sweet voice calling my name

Let me hear the whisper of your words

Soft they may be yet melodious

Let me hear the laughter of that voice

As it reaches my ears

And tickles their lobes

And assures me I am yours

That sweet voice permeates my being

And brings me the most indescribable joy

Let me truly hear your words

Make my hands and feet move

To the rhythm of your commands

O shall my joy be complete!

-Easter A.

John 10:27-29

My sheep know my voice. They listen and they follow me.

They will never be lost. I give them eternal life.

God alone is our source of strength and joy.

To make him that

it is important

to take the time to be quiet and

to listen to his voice.

Check out my Advent prayer poem in the latest issue

Hawaii Catholic Herald, page 20.

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