Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Recommended Movie - The Nativity Story


Thanks to my friend Easter and the sisters at Pauline Books and Media my family was fortunate to watch an early showing of the Nativity Story last evening.

Since this movie has not officially opened yet, I will not say much on it. But rest assure, you will not be disappointed. It is a beautiful story to begin with but when a movie is dedicated to telling that portion of Jesus' life, words cannot describe the feelings you will experience as it unfolds before your eyes.

The sisters did a wonderful job of presenting this movie to us. They also invited one of their sisters, Sr. Rose Oacatte who was present in Rome and watched one day of shooting, to speak to us after the movie. She has written a book on this story and if you click HERE, you can learn more about it.

It was a genuine treat to hear the behind the scenes tidbits that Sister Rose shared with our group. She told us interesting little side stories of the actors, the director, producers, and I believe she was even an extra in one of the scenes.

I hope you treat yourself and your family to this marvelous first Christmas experience.

Mahalo nui loa Sisters and Easter!


  1. Thank you for the review. I'm hoping to see it soon.

  2. You're welcome! Just in case you are interested in another review, Dynamic Orthodoxy (the link is on my sidebar) also posted a review.
