Thursday, November 30, 2006

In Preparation of Advent

Advent 3
This is the little corner that we will prepare for the Nativity set. Right now it is cluttered with little Christmassy things and our fish. We want to place the emphasis this year, on the creche. As you can see, our tree will be a very small evergreen tree.
Advent 2
This is the Advent Calendar corner. The Advent Calendar is actually a wooden box with individual little pull out drawers. Each one has been filled with a good deed, mortification or spiritual direction...and candy.
Advent 1
We had placed the Advent wreath in our Sacred Heart Shrine. Our home was enthroned to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and I thought it only fitting to have the nightly Advent readings and prayers done here.


  1. Anonymous8:43 PM

    Thats really beautiful. :)

  2. Those are indeed very beautiful.

  3. Thank you very much!!
